
Unravelling the Threads: The Essence of Project Scope in Technical Projects.

By: Paddy Ryan | Category: Planning | Posted:

Unravelling the Threads: The Essence of Project Scope in Technical Projects. featured image

Although it seems like a no-brainer, the number of projects that hit the ground running without a clear scope is astonishing. This ends up with all parties being left frustrated with not just the end product, but the entire process.

Our journey as consultants, project leaders, and tech advisors has equipped us with any number of examples on the importance of project scope. Here's a 14 step plan for nailing down a project scope.

Step 1: The Stakeholder Register

A well-defined stakeholder register keeps everyone on the same page regarding roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities.

Step 2: The Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Before diving into the project, understanding who's on board and what roles they play is crucial. A Top-Line Stakeholder Engagement plan lays out the power dynamics within the project. It's not uncommon to find project leaders brushing off certain stakeholders as unimportant. However, from the person sweeping the floor to the paymaster, engaging every stakeholder can be a game-changer for the project's success.

Step 3: The Success Blueprint

Defining what success looks like for the project is vital. This doesn't define the specifics of the elements, it is defining what problem is the project solving, defining why money is being spent. Are we automating processes, pioneering something novel, or perhaps, improving existing systems? By pinpointing success, we sift through whims and focus on the core functionality that truly matters. Some projects might end at this point, and that’s ok. If success can’t be achieved, projects shouldn’t be pursued just for the sake of it.

Step 4: The Scope Description

With a clear vision of success, delving into the scope description becomes intuitive. It's about articulating what we intend to do and how we plan to achieve the goals.

Step 5: Milestones and Deliverables

Once the scope is crystal clear, outlining deliverables or milestones helps in breaking down the project into manageable chunks. These milestones, once achieved, should be signed off by all senior stakeholders, creating a robust accountability framework.

Step 6: Defining Success Criteria

Establishing success criteria is akin to setting the gold standard for project delivery. It's about aligning expectations right from the outset to avoid the dreaded scope creep.

Step 7: The Deliverables Checklist

Deliverables are the building blocks of success. Whether it's developing a user-centric interface or a robust Django backend, knowing what's on the deliverables list is imperative.

Step 8: Acceptance Criteria

Post deployment, acceptance criteria ensure the project meets the user's expectations and functions seamlessly.

Step 9: Constraints and Limitations

Every project has its set of constraints, be it budget or time. Being upfront about these limitations and pricing out additional requests maintains transparency and trust.

Step 10: Exclusions and Out of Scope

Clearly demarcating what's in scope and what's reserved for future phases prevents any miscommunications down the line. Defining exclusions might well be the most important part of the project scope.

Step 11: Risk Management

Identifying potential risks and having a mitigation plan in place is paramount. It’s about being prepared for the unknown.

Step 12: The Outcome

Envisioning the end product and defining the outcome sets the trajectory of the project.

Step 13: The Project Plan

Detailing the project plan, from technology transitions to monetization frameworks, lays down a clear roadmap for everyone involved.

Step 14: Tasks and Activities

Breaking down each phase into tasks and activities creates a structured timeline, ensuring every stakeholder knows what's unfolding and when.


In managing technical projects, having a well-defined scope is not an option; it's a necessity. With a clear scope, every stakeholder knows the playbook, making the journey from conception to successful delivery a well-coordinated endeavor.

Paddy Ryan,

Co-Founder, busylittlepixels.

I’ve been designing and developing professionally for over a decade and have worked with dozens of the biggest brands to create roadmaps to success for their products and tech. I’ve worked with companies from startups to Nasdaq listed enterprises, and honed my abilities to navigate the brave new world that is all things tech.